Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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How can i connect a USB-Device to Max

what do i have to do to connect a USB-Device (Agilent DMM) to Max? The device is correct installed and appears in the windows-device-manager.
But its not listet in Max (and i cant send VISA-commands to it using "USB0::1234::1234::MYxxxxxxxxxx::0::INSTR" and *RST
I´m using Ni MAX 3.1.1

Thanks for help
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Message 1 of 4

Have you enabled the USB Passport for VISA in MAX?  Choose Tools >> NI-VISA >> VISA Options... In the main window you should see the option to look at passports.  Ensure that NiViUsb.dll has a check in it, as shown in the attached picture.  This is the first step to getting your device recognized in MAX.  Ensure that is done, then post back if it is still not showing up.

Logan S.

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Message 2 of 4
Hi, I am trying to use labview to control Agilent3410A through USB port. I right click on thr VISA resource and Choose "select VISA class" Then "I/O Session" then "USB Instr" but no response. I use the program provided by agilent with different software (not labview) and it is working perfectly. As you suggested in measurement and automation explorer, i checked in NI-VISA passports, the entire list is checked including NiViUSB.llb. Also i added the address of visa to alias. but still no response. Thanks
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Message 3 of 4
Are you using both NI-VISA and HP-VISA on your machine?  Also, is your Agilent device classified as USB TMC (Test and Measurement Class)?  If not then enabling the USB passport is just the first step in being able to communicate with your Agilent device.  You might need to go through the VISA Driver Development Wizard and create a VISA driver that will allow your device to be recognized by NI-VISA...  Anyhow, please post back with some more information....
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Message 4 of 4