Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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How do I connect UWE UETR-MOST PID controller to LabView

Hi all,


I'm new to Labview and I am trying to connect a device made by UWE electronic which PID controlls Peltiers. The device is a UETR-MOST 16A PID controller. I've installed the FTDI (DTXX) drivers and have found an exmaple code here, but I don't understand how to actually connect my device. I've tried using VISA and the automoation and device manager, but the controller does not appear.


Any help/ suggestions very welcome.



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It's not supposed to appear, especially with that driver. If you want a serial port that you can use with VISA, you need the vcp driver. That will make an ftdi device appear as a com port. You still won't see the actual instrument in MAX. Serial instruments are not auto-detected.
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