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How do I interface USB devices on to sbRIO using labVIEW



We have no idea how to interface devices through the USB port on our sbRIO 9636. We have a Hokuyo urg-04lx laser range finder which we physically connected to the USB port on the sbRIO 9636, but we have no idea how to get labVIEW to recognize this device. Apparently labVIEW contains the drivers for Hokuyo devices, but we don't know how to use them.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Message 1 of 7

Hi Onion_Head,


The USB port on the sbRIO is mainly used for streaming data to a memory device, but it can be used to control a USB device at a very low level using USB RAW.  This will require having access to the basic instruction set for the range finder.


Below are some articles which may be helpful in using USB RAW.

How Can I Communicate With a Device Using NI-VISA USB RAW Mode?

What is the Difference Between USB Raw Control and USB Raw Bulk?

Dave C.

Applications Engineer
National Instruments
Message 2 of 7

I do have same doubts regarding communicating USB RAW device with VISA. The device is getting detected but does not transmit any messages in the BUs. Do we need to use interrupts??

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7

Hi Surajp, 


What device are you trying to use with USB RAW, and with what operating system?  Are you trying to use it with LabVIEW Real-time or are you interfacing on Windows, using MAX?

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7

Hello Wish,

Thanks for your reply. I am trying to configure Maxon's EPOS2 (motion controller) onto my Sbrio 9636 whose OS is Vxworks. I am using the device in USB RAW format on my Real Time target. I am able to detect it in MAX as well as Labview Block diagram. Even though all the properties pertaining to the device can be retrieved including (vendor ID, protocol class and subclass) the address for the BULK In and BULK Out is not set in Labview. I cannot use the read and write VIs to read or write data onto the BUS. Please Help...



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Message 5 of 7

I got my problem sorted out.. I am now able to send and receive data over USB.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7

Can you share with future generations of developers how you solved the problem?

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Message 7 of 7