05-19-2006 11:20 AM
05-19-2006 11:46 AM
05-19-2006 12:09 PM
I got the IVI driver from the NI down load site. Yes I know that the IVI driver is listed as the HP33120 Function generator. When I did a serch for "33250A LabView Driver", the 33120 came up. The text said that this driver is used for the 33120a, and 33250A. I also can see that some of the burst functions are listed. What is not listed and is most important is the "burst period". Let me give you an example, if I want to give a 13MHz burst for 10us on and 10us off, I set the instrument for for a frequency of 13MHz, and an amplitued. I then set the Burst count. In this case it would be 137 counts. I set an internal trigger. and last a burst period of 20us, ( 10 on 10 off ). I have already done this from the front panel of the instrument to verify how it is done. I also followed the instructions in the manual. When I went to write a simple program to do it in LabView, I found that the Configuration for Burst Period was not listed. Without it, this function will not work. I have been looking at the Burst commands in the manual. The burst period is one of the required commands. I am starting to think that this feature was forgotten about, or was not avaliable in the 33120a and when the driver was tested with the 33250A, nobody thought to test this feature. I could be wrong. I hope this is the case.
Ricky Marsh.
05-19-2006 12:34 PM
05-19-2006 01:01 PM
05-20-2006 11:42 AM
I strongly advise to look at the labview driver NOT IVI on the NI site.
It is much easier to debug than an IVI driver and sure easier than an IVI-COM driver.
The 33250 driver especially the projectstyle version is good to use but a pity projectstyle only works in lv8
but there are lower versions available that are also not bad.
05-28-2008 12:16 AM
05-28-2008 08:25 AM