05-23-2008 04:58 AM
05-27-2008 05:27 AM
05-28-2008 05:33 AM
Thanks for your reply.
I did check with NI-MAX in the configuration of the controller board that it should end reading with EOS. My instrument asserts by default EOI. I specified the terminating char also in the controller config. By inspecting the read string I see the terminating char.
I was expecting to see a similar window for my instrument (I think it is called device templates) but the GPIB window configuration has no othet tab besides the one for the controller.
So in brief, in the reading loop I mentioned in my message I do read the first line of sweep data but it seems that the instrument does not recognise that the read operation is completed and so when the next reading order arrives it gives a timeout during the reading operation. If between reading calls I send a write order to the instrument than the next reading order is correctly understood by the instrument. The only thing is that data reading takes a long time to finish.
I am using the same hardware (only a different op. system) so there is something not correct in my gpib configuration. Is the gpib configuration written in some sort of *.ini settings? Why don't I see the device templates tab?(I checked also through control panel/system). Version 1.7 of ni488.2 does not have it?
Anyway thanks for your time
João Serra