01-27-2017 09:53 AM
Hi Albert,
I understand what your mean!
Actually i implemented two button on slave application, one button is call ibrsv 85, another button is call ibrsv 0.
when i call ibrsv 0, the SRQ line was cleared of course. I mean serial poll from controller does NOT clear SRQ line if slave does nothing, the SRQ line state was controlled by slave.
I have a question how can slave to know(or detect) whether it was asked for status, thank you!!
02-03-2017 04:13 AM
Hi Alert,
I'm looking forward to getting your answer, thank you very much!
02-03-2017 04:24 AM
02-04-2017 05:57 AM
I searched a lot of NI offical gpib manual, and could not find a way to detect whether Slave has been serialpolled by Contoller.
Anyway, thank you very much!