Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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I am not able to do voltage/temperature measurements using keithley 2700 and 7705. I am using labview 8.6 and NI-GPIB-USB-HS connector.

I am using following hardwares and softwares,

NI-GPIB_USB-HS connector ( IEE 488.2)

Keithley-2700 Multimeter/DAQ

Keithley -7705 swithing card

Driver software supplied by Keithley

K-type thermocouple

LabView 8.6



As I am new to Lab-View, I am not able to make it out how to do correct measurements. Can any one suggest me how to make voltage/temperature measurements.

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Message 1 of 2
Select Help> Find Instrument Drivers and install the driver from NI. It comes with an example (Help> Find Examples). If you have problems, you need to provide details such as the error code/message.
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