Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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IVI Simulation Driver

Hey CivoDK, 


I was able to reproduce a similiar error on my computer. I found that 3 functions IviDCPwr_ConfigureVoltageLevel ,
 IviDCPwr_ConfigureCurrentLimit, and IviDCPwr_ConfigureOVP all have general protection faults when you try to call them in similation mode. This is a bug and I filed bug report 612778 to address this behavior. 


For more clarity, this is a bug in the agn6700 driver that is on IDNet. Simulation for a specific device is a responsibility of the driver. This is not a bug in CVI, or the IVI Compliance Package. In order to verify this, I downloaded another driver and tried to use it in simulation mode. I was able to use the example program just fine and did not see any crashes. 



Kurt P
Automated Test Software R&D
0 Kudos
Message 11 of 12

Hello Kurt,

Thanks for your investigations ! Yes, like you I try with two others drivers, the first one which is specially for NI DCPower and the other one for the N5700 instead of N6700. With these two, I was able to simulate a device but ofc they didn't work when I try them on the real supply.

So for the moment, I can sum up the driver like this : tableau driver.pngBut none of them can do the both 😉


Civod K


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Message 12 of 12