Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Keithley 2400 connect with computer using rs232 to usb cable

Recently, I started an experiment using keithley 2400.

However I tried to connect keithley 2400 with computer but it doesn't work.

I use the cable rs232 to usb. rs 232 is connected keithley 2400 and usb is connected pc.

PC recognizes the keithley 2400 on COM4 but it does not work properly.

I installed NI-VISA, NI-DAQmx, Keithley configuration panel. 

When I try to set up this equipment by using NI-VISA driver wizard. It recognized usb port but cannot proceeding installment with error 1073807171

How can I solve this problem?

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 18

What exactly did you try?

Is your usb to serial tested on another serial instrument?

Is the rs232 connection correct? Is the baudrate on the k2400 correct?

Did you get an error message? If yes post it..

Did you write a test vi? If so post it.

Why did you install NI-DAQmx?

What is the keithley configuration panel and which other software does it use?


Just a bunch of questions to try to help you to get grip on the problem.

I have written several programs with labview and a serial connected k2400 so I know it can be done.

greetings from the Netherlands
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 18

What exactly did you try?

  -> I downloaded driver Keithley 2400 for labview but it cannot recognize equipment


Is your usb to serial tested on another serial instrument?

Is the rs232 connection correct? Is the baudrate on the k2400 correct?

  -> yes I have 2 more cable so I switched cable to another cable. its baud rate is 9600 in both side(PC/Keithley 2400)


Did you get an error message? If yes post it..

Did you write a test vi? If so post it.

Why did you install NI-DAQmx?

-> sure I installed ni-daqmx and ni visa.

What is the keithley configuration panel and which other software does it use?

-> I also installed Keithley configuration panel


I attached picture of result.

When I connected usb cable to pc. pc recognized this equipment as COM4. However, it is not worked properly. and even in ni-max and visa interactive control, it cannot recognize anything in com4. 

I also installed Keithley configuration panel and it also cannot recognize the equipment. so I tried to add the equipment to COM4, but it answered there is no hardware on that port(COM4)


and I updated and reinstalled the driver on device manager on window.

But is is also had same result.


Now What can I do for this equipment?

I am totally confused what is the next step for setting this equipment.


NI-MAXNI-MAXVISA Interactive controlVISA Interactive controlWindow device managerWindow device manager

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 18

You probably need to look at the setting on your K2400.  It can recognize GPIB or Serial connections.  It can also use SCPI as its communication language or some others.


You will need to set the instrument to use serial connection and SCPI language.  After that reboot the 2400.  Then undo all the changes you made to the COM port settings.  Perhaps reboot PC.  Then try again. 


Note that you can't use NI-MAX and LabVIEW to communicate to the same instrument at the same time, so try NI-MAX first (querry *IDN\r?) and if that works move to LabVIEW control.


Hope that helps.


0 Kudos
Message 4 of 18

I think there are only two option for commutation with pc. GPIB and RS232.

I already chose the RS232 for communication.

How can I set the instrument to use SCPI language?

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 18

SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments) is not a physical connection, but rather a communication protocol.  It can be used seamlessly regardless of the physical connection (GPIB or Serial).  Look for "GPIB PROTOCOL menu" in the manual on how to change this setting.

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0 Kudos
Message 6 of 18

Device manager shows an exclamation point next to COM4.

MAX is not showing COM4 either.


You may want to try to resolve the COM issue first.



"It’s the questions that drive us.”
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 18

You're right only the newer 2450 or 2600 give you the option to use a language other than SCPI (SCPI, SICL or TSP), so if you have set it to RS232 that's not the problem.


Looking at your photos it looks like you might not have the driver for the Prolific USB-Serial connection setup correctly.  Did you install the driver for it?  How do you know there's anything on COM4?  Nothing listed in NI-MAX showing COM4.



0 Kudos
Message 8 of 18

I deleted the driver for usb and reinstalled the driver for usb.

and also when I plugged out the Keithley 2400 usb in the pc. COM4 connection is disappeared. and when I plugged in the Keithley 2400 usb in the pc, COM4 connection is appeared. this is the reason why I think Keithley 2400 is using COM4 port.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 18

Some USB-RS232 connectors are just bad.  Have you confirmed this one works with another instrument?


When you installed Keithley test panel did you install Keithley VISA?  If so you need to disable that version of VISA and use NI-VISA with LabVIEW.  See..



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Message 10 of 18