Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Keithley 6485 picoammeter reading rate via GPIB in LabVIEW



I am fairly new to LabVIEW. I want to take 1000 readings per second through the picoammeter and get them transferred to my LabVIEW program via GPIB. The sample rate is the maximum the device can attain as per product's manual. I am currently using an inbuilt LabVIEW driver ( for taking the readings. However the sample rate is quite slow and I can't seem to maximize it. I have all the LabVIEW drivers available for the product but I am not able to use them to get my desired sample rate via GPIB. Can anybody guide me on how to program the drivers? 



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This speed only can be used when not tranferring at the same time. So you need to check the manual how to use the internal buffer and for sure it wil not be contiguosly sampling at this speed
greetings from the Netherlands
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