07-16-2014 12:51 AM
Hi all,
I an trying a code in Labview on Keithley 2400 instrument.
here my requirement is on my block diagram i want to write a program for source and measure and that can list out the any error in that instrument once i run the code. it will list the errors like error1,error2,.......like that.
In the out put window i want to see the instrument serial number.
GPIB address
set volt, set current and limit.
display the error.
please suggest me how to do this.
07-16-2014 01:29 AM
07-16-2014 02:07 AM
thanks for your reply,
do you have any capture for this.
07-16-2014 02:43 AM
07-16-2014 03:23 AM
i got it thank you.
01-27-2016 10:30 AM
Could i get a labview program to measure dc current continuously. I want have a minimum of 1000 readings per second. I am really new to using scpi commands. There is always some error when i try to give any command apart from fetch? Could someone help me with an example program. I use keithley 2001 and visa resouce.