Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Keysight E5270B not showing in ni-MAX, however detected in Keysight IO library suites.

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Hi all,

I'm completely new in Labview and Instrumentation. I got into this field to enhance my skills and undergo some measurement project.

I installed keysight IO library suites and it can detect my instrument as shown as attached picture:

But it didnt shows up in MAX after i installed NI-VISA. However, i was able to detect the instrument in labview "find instrument driver" .


I have also enabled keysight 488 option in keysight suites and NIvisatulip.dll.

Would it be neccesary for a device to shows up in MAX so that it can be connected in LabVIEW?

IO suites.png

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Message 1 of 8

I also attach the max error below :



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Message 2 of 8

Hi William,


the device has to be detected by MAX so you can work with it in LabVIEW.

How is the device connected to your PC? Is it a network device? If so, do you now the IP Adress of it so you can search it manually?





Anna Vogl
Certified LabVIEW Developer
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Message 3 of 8

Hi anna,
Thank you for replying,
The device is connected with GPIB  HP GPIB PCI-E card as shown in device manager picture. Can I search for it manually too ?

I can see the instrument when i tried to find its driver in in Labview as shown in 2nd picture.


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Message 4 of 8

Hi William,


first of all, your device then would not show up under the "Network Devices" but under "Devices and Interfaces. Did you also install the NI-488.2 driver? See this link:


Using Keysight (HP Agilent) 82357A/82357B GPIB in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) or LabVIEW - National Instruments




Anna Vogl
Certified LabVIEW Developer
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Message 5 of 8

Dear Anna,

I've followed your link and i figured i had enabled visatulip.dll and visa 488.2 in connection expert . How should i check whether i had installed ni 488.2 ?

To be honest, my computer MAX, Labview wasn't installed by me. I dont know what had and not been installed there. I would love to do it from start again by reinstall everything necessary so that my Labview can run smoothly. Could you link me what should i do from that point?


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Message 6 of 8
Accepted by William.Arief

HI William,


that might acutally be a good idea.


1) Uninstall everything NI related (LabVIEW and the drivers)

2) Dissconnect your device from the computer

3) Install LabVIEW (as Admin)

4) Install VISA driver and NI 488.2 (as Admin)

5) reconnect the device to your computer


If you don't see your device in MAX, also check your firewall that MAX has an exception there.


Let me know if there are still problems after reinstalling everything.





Anna Vogl
Certified LabVIEW Developer
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8

Hi anna,

I managed to see the devices after uninstalling all and set Keysight Visa as secondary visa. It seems that i didn't set it in previous installation. Thank you for the guidance.

Your Warmest Regards,

Message 8 of 8