Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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MAX does not recognize USB - WT3000

I cannot find my Yokogawa WT3000 (USB) power meter in MAX, even though Windows XP recognizes and installs drivers for it.

I am using an NI-specific driver, and it shows up in device manager as "NI-VISA USB Devices" -> "WT Series".
The specific file I am using is ykwt_WMD.inf.  I have tried putting this inf file into my windows directory as well as the system and system32 directories.

This machine is being settup to run an executeable file, so I am installing the "minimum" amount of software:

Measurement and Automation Explorer 4.2.1
LabView Runtime 8.0
LabView Runtime 8.2
NI-VISA Runtime 4.2

This should be enough to get everything running.  Is the order of installation critical? Do I need to remove everything and start over by installing the NI components before attaching the device (and installing its drivers)? Am I missing something?

I vaguely remember there being some trick to getting this device to work on my development machine, but naively thought I would either remember the trick, or where it was documented.

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 8
Howdy Regal,

The driver for your instrument is located on our Instrument Driver Network.  Download that file if you haven't already and refer to the installation instructions.  This should get you going.  Good luck!

Chris G in AE
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8
I got the device to be recognized finally.  I'm not sure what exactly fixed it.

I installed NI-Serial and IVI Compliance package on the machine.
I did a repair/ reinstall on MAX.
I tried using VISA to create my own driver.
After that didnt work, I "updated" the driver back to the one provided by Yokogawa.

My best guess is it was an order of operation issue, and to be sure and install MAX, and VISA prior to connecting the device.

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Message 3 of 8




I'm also having trouble connecting the Yokogawa WT 3000.
I used all the drivers available and installation instructions but still the MAX cannot detect the equipment.
I tried to generate the .INF drive using the VISA Wizard and although it can detect the power analyzer, it still gives me the following error:


VISA Yokogawa error.jpg


If someone has gone through the same problem, could you please help me out?


Thank you!

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 8



Do have the Yokogawa USB driver installed ?



0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8

Hi Kees,


I have everything installed, I tried asking in other labs that have the same equipment, but they all use GPIB to communicate the WT 3000 with the computer.

The strange thing is I can use the WT Viewer normally with USB, but the VISA doesn't seem to accept the equipment.


Thank you.



0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8

The error occurs because the WT3000 is reporting the wrong USB version. You can add the WT3000 manually into MAX and use the driver I posted here.



0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8

We have about 10 wt3000's on USB working wiith labview programs.  It's been awhile since installing a wt3000 on a new system so I can remember all the details right off hand.  There was a change a couple of years ago.  Yokogawa use to have the required drivers.  I know the WT Viewere drivers did not work with Labview code.  Here's from my 2010 notes:


  2010 Nov 16

  Do not use these driver files for labview environment:


  They are drivers for Yokogawa programs such as the WT-viewer and will not work with labview. They will interfer with
  the Labview drivers if installed.

  For Labview use, copy the ykwt_WDM.INF and ykwt_WDM.PNF file in C:\WINDOWS\inf\.




I seem to recall that the NI took over the WT3000 driver responsibility from Yokogawa a few years ago.  I'm guessing they are in NI-VISA 15.0.  However, I put my old notes and ykwt_WDM files in the attached zip.  I use to have to uninstall the WT Viewer USB drivers from "Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\System\Device Manager" and the did a "find new devices".  I would select "I will specity the driver" and direct it toe "c:\windows\inf\" and the ykwt_WDM would automatically be detected after which the WT3000 would show up in NI-MAX.


Unfortunately, the process was often a new adventure.



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Message 8 of 8