Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Mettler Toledo MonoBloc driver



I need some helps/suggestions. I have a Mettler Toledo MonoBloc (BBK422) balance and am trying to find a driver for it so it can talk to labview through RS-232. I searched on line and find a lot Mettler Toledo drivers available through NI, but, unfortunately, no MonoBloc. So I think the easiest way might be updating current available MTT drivers to make it fit with MonoBloc balance. So my question is I don't know how to update it? I have tried to update MTT but still gave me error messages. If anyone know what should i do please let me know.    Thank you very much.



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Hi Eric,


First, I would suggest using the VISA Test Panel in MAX and a simple VISA test program to see if you are able to send and receive data properly from the device.  After consulting the device's manual in Section 5, it looks like you will need to configure your device for the proper baud rate and parity using the menu system on the device.  Ensure that your settings on the device match what you have configured for your serial communication port, and that you have met all the requirements for communication using RS232 outlined in the manual.  Once you are able to communicate using the Test Panels, it may be possible to use one of the already available instrument drivers from a similar device or to modify one.  It looks like MT has a standard communication command set called MT-SICS which this device implements.  I would suggest looking for a device that we have instrument drivers for with the most similar functionality to your device that also uses this command set, and you may have some luck.

Justin D
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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