Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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N6700B ethernet not working

So I have a N6700B chassis.  Originally I had NIVISA 5.4 and ICP 4.6 installed.  I could communicate with this device with either the ethernet or USB interface no problem.  I upgraded to NIVISA 15 and ICP 15.  Now the USB works fine, but I get an error when I try to use the ethernet.  My preference is ethernet as I have a huge ethernet switch and limited USB ports.  Oddly the failure seems consistant on two seperate systems and it always fails initialization of the fourth device in the chassis.


To prove it was the upgrade, I rolled the NIVISA and ICP back and it works again.  I am using the latest driver for the N6700B chassis from keysight.

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Message 1 of 5

Hello Muffin!


I think you have taken great steps to try to narrow down the problem. The issue seems to be coming from NIVSA and ICP like you have determined. Is there a specific reason that you need the most updated versions of the drivers? Is there an intermediate version you could try? Do you know if it is the ICP or NIVISA? Could you update one and not the other to find out which one is giving the problem? You will need to ensure that no matter the versions you use, they are compatible. 

John H.
Applications Engineering
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 5

I do not currently need the most recent version.  I had upgraded trying to fix a different issue and it did not solve that so I am fine with the older versions right now.  I do not know if it is the NIVISA or the ICP.  Currently I do not have a system I can afford to experiment on, but I plan to when I have the time.  thanks.

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Message 3 of 5

What error are you seeing when you are using the Ethernet interface?

What firmware version do you have for the mainframe?

What modules do you have are they single or double modules?

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Message 4 of 5

I recently upgraded to Labview 2015 and the problem went away.  Must have been some odd compatability issue.

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