08-15-2016 06:39 PM
I have been using NI-VISA and Python/PyVISA on a Mac for instrument control. Now I've got a new Mac with latest os (10.11.6) and things are not working for me anymore. When I run my scripts I got this error message saying
VisaIOError: VI_ERROR_LIBRARY_NFOUND (-1073807202): A code library required by VISA could not be located or loaded.
I wonder if the GPIB/USB converter has the correct driver installed. In NI MAX I can see the device but vendor/model are shown as "unknown" which is suspecious. Is there a way to check if the driver is working properly?Also, first I installed my older version of NI-VISA (v15 or something) and since it didn't work, I installed the latest V16.0. I wonder if the new version over-write the old one or I have 2 versions co-exist. If anything I would like to uninstall all of them and re-install the new software, anyone knows how to uninstall NI software on a Mac?
08-16-2016 05:03 PM
Please take a look at this thread:
Installing NI-VISA and NI-488.2 on Mac
08-16-2016 05:36 PM
Thank you for the link. It also suggested uninstall everything and re-install. Now I've found the uninstall.txt instruction.
NI-VISA 16.0.0 for Mac OS X Required Component: NI-VISA Runtime Optional Components: NI-VISA Development Support NI-VISA Configuration NI-VISA Server NI MAX NI I/O Trace Support Packages: NI-PAL NI-RPC NI System API LabVIEW 2015 SP1 Runtime To uninstall NI-VISA for Mac OS X, you must remove the following files and folders from the system. To completely remove all National Instruments software from the system, you can also remove the support packages by following the instructions in the "Support Packages" section below. Required Component ------------------ *************** NI-VISA Runtime *************** Before removing this component run 'launchctl remove nilxid' as root. /Applications/National Instruments/NI-VISA /Library/Application Support/National Instruments/NI Spy/APIs/3 /Library/Application Support/National Instruments/Errors/Chinese/VISA-errors.txt /Library/Application Support/National Instruments/Errors/English/VISA-errors.txt /Library/Application Support/National Instruments/Errors/French/VISA-errors.txt /Library/Application Support/National Instruments/Errors/German/VISA-errors.txt /Library/Application Support/National Instruments/Errors/Japanese/VISA-errors.txt /Library/Application Support/National Instruments/Errors/Korean/VISA-errors.txt /Library/Application Support/National Instruments/NI-VISA /Library/Application Support/National Instruments/Legal Information/NI-VISA com.ni.NI-VISA_Runtime.LibAppSupp /Library/Application Support/National Instruments/uixml/sysconfig/nivisa* /Library/Application Support/National Instruments/uixml/Launchable Apps/nivisa.testpanel.plist /Library/Application Support/National Instruments/nisysapi/nivisaExpert.ini /Library/Application Support/National Instruments/nipal/BootDrivers/NiViPciK.rc /Library/Preferences/NIvisa /Library/Frameworks/VISA.framework /Library/LaunchDaemons/nilxid.plist /Library/Extensions/NiViPciK.kext Optional Components ------------------- *************************** NI-VISA Development Support *************************** /Applications/National Instruments/NI-VISA/Examples /Applications/National Instruments/NI-VISA/Help /Applications/National Instruments/NI-VISA/Driver Wizard.app /Applications/National Instruments/NI-VISA/NIvisaic.app /Library/Application Support/National Instruments/NI-VISA/LabVIEW /Library/Preferences/NIvisa/.LabVIEW ********************* NI-VISA Configuration ********************* /Applications/National Instruments/NI-VISA/LvEnetconf.framework /Applications/National Instruments/NI-VISA/LvIniconf.framework /Applications/National Instruments/NI-VISA/NI-VISA Configuration.app ************** NI-VISA Server ************** /Applications/National Instruments/NI-VISA/NI-VISA Server.app Receipt Components ------------------- Run pkgutil --forget [pkg] on the following packages for parts that are being removed. *************** NI-VISA Runtime *************** com.ni.pkg.nivisaruntime com.ni.NI-VISA_Runtime.LibAppSupp.pkg com.ni.NI-VISA_Runtime.LibExt.pkg com.ni.NI-VISA_Runtime.LibPrefs.pkg com.ni.NI-VISA_Runtime.App.pkg com.ni.NI-VISA_Runtime.LibLaunchd.pkg *************************** NI-VISA Development Support *************************** com.ni.pkg.nivisadevelopment com.ni.NI-VISA_DevSupp.LibPrefs.pkg com.ni.NI-VISA_DevSupp.LibAppSupp.pkg ********************* NI-VISA Configuration ********************* com.ni.pkg.nivisaconfiguration ************** NI-VISA Server ************** com.ni.pkg.nivisaserver ****** NI MAX ****** For instructions on how to remove this product, see: /Library/Application Support/National Instruments/nimax/Uninstall.txt ************ NI I/O Trace ************ For instructions on how to remove this product, see: /Applications/National Instruments/NI IO Trace/Uninstall.txt Support Packages ---------------- ****** NI-PAL ****** Other hardware drivers on your system may require this component. Remove this component at your own risk. For instructions on how to remove this product, see: /Library/Application Support/National Instruments/nipal/Uninstall.txt ****** NI-RPC ****** Other applications on your system may require this component. Remove this component at your own risk. For instructions on how to remove this product, see: /Library/Application Support/National Instruments/nirpc/Uninstall.txt ************* NI System API ************* Other applications on your system may require this component. Remove this component at your own risk. For instructions on how to remove this product, see: /Library/Application Support/National Instruments/nisysapi/Uninstall.txt ************************ LabVIEW 2015 SP1 Runtime ************************ Other applications on your system may require this components. Remove this component at your own risk. To remove this component, remove the following framework bundle. /Library/Frameworks/LabVIEW 15.0 Runtime.framework To remove the installer receipt for this component run: pkgutil --forget com.ni.LabVIEWRuntime150
So to uninstall I have to manually remove everything listed there? Probably should just provide an uninstaller...
08-16-2016 07:05 PM
OK I uninstalled everything and re-installed NI-VISA V16.0, but I still have the same problem. How can I make sure the GPIB/USB converter driver is working properly? Is there a way to check it in NI-MAX or other NI software?
08-17-2016 12:45 PM
It looks like your computer has not associated the appropriate driver for the USB/GPIB converter. Which manufacturer/model are you using?
08-17-2016 01:07 PM
It's the NI GPIB-USB-B. The screenshot of my post shows the seriel number is recognized.
05:03 PM
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05:15 PM
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It sounds like your driver might not be compatable with Mac OS X 10.11.6.