Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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NI VISA "Resource not found"1073807343 error-USB plug out/plug in required



Once my VISA read session is abruptly shut, (that is without closing it properly using the "VISA Close" function), the "VISA Find Resource" does not find the USB resource even though it was plugged in the whole time. A plug out/plug in is necessary before it can be found again, which i would like to avoid.


Did someone find a workaround to this problem ? Any suggestions would be Welcome 🙂 




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Message 1 of 4

I think your bigger question is "Why wasn't the port properly closed out?"  You need to solve that problem.  Even then, have you tried just using the VISA Close on your resource?  That should help clear some things out.


There is also the possibility that the USB hub is being turned off by a Windows power saving "feature".  If you dig into the Device Manager, you can find a property to disable that.  I highly recommend doing so.

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Message 2 of 4

I think the core issue here is: If the port closes down for whatever reason, how can I properly deinitialize it, so I don't have to unplug the device? So the question aims more at making sure the customer never has to unplug.


As soon as the VI aborts the reference must still be somewhere in the system. Is there a way to plug in/plug out by software? Or is there a way to get the referenc, check it at the restart of the programm and deinitialize it properly to avoid the problem?


Have you tried storing the reference somewhere and retrieve it at the start of the program?

Remember Cunningham's Law
Message 3 of 4

Hi, I'm using keysight io libraries and I'm facing the same issue when I restart my computer. Otherwise it works fine -

I'm developing one TMC instrument and I get this error when -

my TMC instrument is connected to Hub and Hub to PC/Laptop. If I unplug and replug the USB connection for hub, I get this error. Hub is getting power from USB as well as AC-DC power adapter. If I reset the hub completely, i.e if I'm unplugging the power cord and unplugging usb connection to hub both, then plug back both, everything works fine. What could be issue in this case? I'm using Keysight IO Libraries for my development. Im trying to get rid of this problems because customers don't have to reset and unplug/replug hub everytime they perform restart on their system.




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Message 4 of 4