06-28-2017 03:42 PM
I'm trying to communicate with a Tektronix TDS3054B oscilloscope through LabVIEW. The oscilloscope only has a parallel port, so I've used a parallel cable to connect the oscilloscope to the parallel port in the computer (Windows 7). The Device Manager recognizes LPT1, but in MAX the port doesn't show up under Devices and Interfaces. I have NI-VISA installed as well as the Tektronix tds3000 series driver. Is there anything else that I need to get MAX to detect the parallel port in VISA resources?
I'm fairly new to LabVIEW so any help would be appreciated.
06-29-2017 09:13 AM
Hello alczha:
As far as I understand the issue and the steps that you follow, you did a lot of good practices and recommendations to solve this problem.But, have you seen the following forum this may help you. I hope you have a nice day and hope this suggestion work for you.
06-29-2017 10:58 PM
Although I don't see the option for you in the MAX screenshot you provided, in my version of MAX (17.0.0.f0) there is a "Create New" option under the Devices and Interfaces panel. You might be able to get this by Right Clicking on the Devices and Interfaces text.
In that wizard, I can manually add a Parallel or Serial device, using only the port number and ASRL number. If you can get both of these, that might be an option.
When adding the MDO3024 recently, I also had to manually add the device to MAX (although this was not a serial or parallel device)
06-30-2017 03:26 PM
I have tried what was suggested in the linked article and manually adding a device but neither worked. Do I need to connect the parallel cable into something like a connector block in order to read the oscilloscope's data?
Alternatively, I was considering buying a communication module that has an ethernet or an RS-232 port. Likewise, would I need a connector block for that setup as well?