Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Problem: Connecting Instruments via GPIB


A Power Control Resource (PCE Chroma 63804) is connected to the PXI 8135 controller through GPIB cable.

Through MAX it´s possible to see a GPIB resource, but it´s not possible to "Scan for Instruments" as in the picture so it´s not possible to follow.
By trying to communicate through VISA Interactive Control (version 15.0) there is the Read Operation Error Hex 0xBFFF0015.

How to solve the problem and communicate with the Resource?


Best regards

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 19

is it possible that the chroma chassis is thinking it should use rs232 instead of gpib?

greetings from the Netherlands
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 19

another option is that your gpib card should be on gpib0 instead of gpib8 and maybe you can than scan for instruments.

greetings from the Netherlands
Message 3 of 19

Thanks for your fast asnwer.

The Chroma chassis offer the opportunity to change the instructions and the address only through a CONF fuctional list menu where there are both the settings (RS232 and GPIB), so there isn´t the possibility to decide RS232 or GPIPB.

From the same menu it´s possible to set the GPIB address, but the possible choices of primary address are from 1 to 30. So it doesn´t give the possibility to set GPIB0.

Greetings from Germany

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 19

@Miks wrote:

From the same menu it´s possible to set the GPIB address, but the possible choices of primary address are from 1 to 30. So it doesn´t give the possibility to set GPIB0.

Your controller should be set to 0.  The instrument can be set to anything else.

There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
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0 Kudos
Message 5 of 19

I tried by setting the GPIB address to 0 with VISA, but it doesn´t make any difference.

I would try by connecting the Resource directly to the PC but my PC doesn´t have the GPIB connector.


0 Kudos
Message 6 of 19

I thought you were running the chassis as an IO extension to the pc so I don't understand the problem anymore.

I see that you chassis has PXI23::0::Instr as resource name, so use that in LabVIEW and try again.

greetings from the Netherlands
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 19

I am using the Chassis PXIe-1082 with the Controller PXIe-8135 inside, wich is connected to the Computer through Ethernet.

The Power Control Resource is connected through GPIB to the PXIe-8135 and I want to use the VISA from the PC to communicate with the Power Control Resource.

I tried first through MAX -> VISA Interactive Control, then through LabVIEW (by using some NI Example like "GPIB with VISA" or "Simple" or "Continuous Serial Write and").

By trying with LabVIEW I don´t find the VISA-Ressourcename PXI23::0::INSTR and if I put it manually, I become the error: "-1073807343 occurred at VISA Open in GPIB with VISA".

With LabVIEW I see the VISA GPIB Resource: "visa://" but by running the vi I become the error: "-1073807257 occurred at VISA Write in GPIB with VISA".

I also noticed that in MAX I see the PCI-GPIB "GPIB0" even if I don´t connect the Power Control, and the VISA-Ressourcename doesn´t change.


Greetings from Germany

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 19

Since you GPIB device is connected to a Real-Time target, we can use this KB to help configure it properly:


One thing to keep in mind is that when using the interactive control on the host, the VISA resource will have extra qualifiers in it for identificaiton. For example on the host computer an example VISA resource would be




If we are referencing the same GPIB instrument from a deployed executable, it would not be remote and the extra qualifiers would need to be removed:



Jeff L
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 19

I tried to follow the KB instructions, but by selecting the Real-Time target in VISA Interactive Control, I become the error Hex 0xBFFF00A7 (as in the picture attache).


If I select the Machine "localhost", I see the VISA resource visa://, but I can´t communicate with it (Error 0xBFFF0015 by Read Operation).



Best wishes

0 Kudos
Message 10 of 19