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Python Programming for Keithley 6487

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I try to write a skript to run my measurement on a Keithley 6487. To get comfortable I wrote a small skript to play around but have trouble with the readout of voltage and current. I have little experience in writing pyvisa code for Keithley 2600 series but not for this one. The user manual also does not help very much. In the following code when "(...)device.query('MEAS:VOLT?'))" is reached the error "ERR -133" gets thrown which I looked up in the manual but dont know how to continue from here. I hope you can help me. Im connected via RS-232 since its the only "to-usb-adapter"  I have at the lab here.

Thank you in advance

import pyvisa
import time
import csv

def test_keithley_6487():
    # Create a resource manager
    rm = pyvisa.ResourceManager()

    # List all connected resources
    ports = rm.list_resources()
    print("Available ports:", ports)

    # Output file for logging measurements
    output_file = "keithley_6487_measurements.csv"
    # Attempt to connect to the Keithley 6487
    for port in ports:
            # Open the resource
            device = rm.open_resource(port)
            print(f"Connected to device at {port}")

            # Query device identification
            idn = device.query('*IDN?')
            print("Device ID:", idn)

            # Set communication parameters (if necessary)
            device.baud_rate = 9600
            device.data_bits = 8
            device.parity = pyvisa.constants.Parity.none
            device.stop_bits =
            device.timeout = 5000  # 5 seconds

            # Set and measure voltage and current in a loop
            for voltage in [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]:
                # Set the voltage
                device.write(f'SOUR:VOLT {voltage}')
                print(f"Set voltage to: {voltage} V")

                # Wait certain amount of time (e.g. 2 sec)
                print("Going to wait 2 seconds") # Debug

                # Measure voltage
                print("Trying to read voltage...")
                measured_voltage = float(device.query('MEAS:VOLT?'))
                print(f"Measured voltage to be {measured_voltage}") # Debug

                # Measure current
                print("Trying to read current...")
                measured_current = float(device.query('MEAS:CURR?'))
                print(f"Measured current to be {measured_current}") # Debug

            # Set voltage back to 0.0 V
            device.write('SOUR:VOLT 0.0')
            print("Voltage set back to 0.0 V")

            # Close the device connection
            break  # Exit loop after successful connection

        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Failed to communicate with device at {port}: {e}")

if __name__ == "__main__":


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Message 1 of 7

Essentially, you are using a command that the instrument does not support!


As per the programmer's manual, there is no command such as "MEAS:VOLT?" or "MEAS:CURR?"


Please read the manual and use only compatible commands.

Soliton Technologies

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Message 2 of 7

Thank you for your reply..

I already looked into the manual regarding this and did not find the correct commands..

Is there a chance you would know where to find them?

Thank you


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Message 3 of 7

@Desm333 wrote:

Thank you for your reply..

I already looked into the manual regarding this and did not find the correct commands..

Is there a chance you would know where to find them?

Thank you


Checkout chapter 3 from pg.43 onwards


Here is an SCPI example from the manual,




Soliton Technologies

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Message 4 of 7

With "READ?" I only receive the information on the current and not the applied voltage which was main issue..

Reading the current works totally fine with it though..


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Message 5 of 7
Accepted by topic author Desm333

@Desm333 wrote:

With "READ?" I only receive the information on the current and not the applied voltage which was main issue..

Reading the current works totally fine with it though..


I bet the 6487 cannot measure the applied voltage back, unlike an SMU (at least based on the user manual).

Soliton Technologies

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Message 6 of 7

Then I wont bet against it.

Thank you very much.


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Message 7 of 7