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RS232 communication

Hello sir,

I want to communicate IT100 and Logic Machines server through RS232.Both having rs232 output. I have connected  gnd to gnd. TX to Rx , Rx to Tx

But I didnt see anything as output.


Please help me


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Message 1 of 4

What software are you using to read the serial port?  Do you have the right UART settings (baud rate, parity, data bits, stop bits, etc)?  Do you have to request data from the instruments?

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Message 2 of 4

First, I hope you are connecting each device to a separate serial port. 


Next, the documentation for the Power Series Integration Module (IT-100) mentions that it defaults to 9600baud with (8-N-1) 8 data bits, no parity and a single stop bit.  When it is connected and powered, you should be able to send the HEX command:


Which is a Status Request for Software Version [001 - (0x303031)] tagged with its checksum [(0x91)] then a Carriage Return [CR - (0xD)] and Line Feed [LF - (0xA)].  An expected response from the device would start with [908 - (0x393038)].  The next two characters are the Version number followed by the next two which are the sub-version number.  The next two are for future use.  It then has the checksum and completes with the CR/LF.  The documentation mentions that it WILL send the STATUS REQUEST information for all partitions initially upon power-up regardless of whether a request has been sent.  If it is working, data should be present in the RS-232 Read buffer.


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Message 3 of 4

Thank you for your support.

I will check and tell u

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Message 4 of 4