Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Read timeout issues SR844 lockin



I have a big timeout issue with the communication to my Stanford SR 844 lockin amplifier.


I'm using the labview driver of the instrument. Basically, I initialize first, then  I configure it and when I try to read a data I have a timeout error (-1073807339) on the read. I have no idea of how to fix it, I tried to put some delay etc... but nothing works.


Does anybody have an idea of how to solve this issue ?


Thank you in advance,



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Message 1 of 3

Hi LukyRT,


I don't know how this instrument drivers works in details but it should be using the VISA API. And it appears that you are not the first to face this issue. Here are a few links that may help you solve your issue. It seems that your device is not responding in time. First, you may have to check the connection of your instrument. Then you can have a look at those links, especially the first one:


Link 1 -KB

Link 2

Link 3

Link 4


I hope this will help. 



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Message 2 of 3

Hello Niki,


After checking your links, and following your advice, my issues are fixed,


Thank you very much !


Best Regards

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Message 3 of 3