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SDI-12 to cRIO-9040

Hi there,


I'm looking to log data from a weatherstation with a cRIO-9040. An NI tutorial recommends using a RS-232 to SDI-12 converter ( However they seem difficult to get hold of in the UK. 


A USB to SDI-12 converter is easier to source, is this still supported by the LabVIEW SDI-12 API? If not can anyone recommend viable alternatives? 


Kind regards.



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Hi Oliver,


The LabVIEW SDI-12 API isn't support by NI and I can't say for certain whether it supports the USB to SDI-12 converter directly. The only way to be sure would be to either test yourself or contact the manufacturer. 


One thing to consider is using the USB to serial converter with the cRIO. Take a look at this: Using USB-to-Serial Converters in LabVIEW Real-Time. It suggests that the USB to Serial converter probably wouldnt be recognised as a serial port on the cRIO, but you still would be able to access the USB port: Control a USB Device with NI-VISA on a Real-Time Controller This probably would take some work to get the data in the right format in LabVIEW.




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