Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Scan for Instruments will not detect devices

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Hi, I'm trying to use Labview 2011 with a NI USB 6009 and a USB 5133. I don't actually know whether or not I can just use this scope in my vi as I'm not terribly familiar with Labview in general, but regardless; I've got each of these devices connected to my PC, and eahc of their watchdog lights is on so they are in fact receiving power. However, when in Labview I try using the Instrument Driver Finder to update/install drivers since the devices currently aren't available anywhere in my tools, the finder tells me

"No connected instrument detected."

I went about finding the drivers for the scope on my own and downloaded them, but upon trying to install them a message popped up informing me that higher-up versions of everything had already been installed (this is a work-pc shared by many). So apparently the drivers already exist in the computer and yet it still says that there are no instruments connected.

When I go to my functions palette, under Instrument I/O -> Instrument Drivers, NI-Scope is not listed.

Any help/guidance would be much appreciated.

Also if this isn't put in the right forum I apologize.



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Message 1 of 10
I don't think you are using the instrument finder in the correct way.

Do either show up in MAX? What versions of DAQmx (for the 6009), NI-VISA, and NI-Scope are installed? All of the drivers and the devices should appear in MAX.
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Message 2 of 10

I very well may not be, I've never tried using the Scope before - only NIDAQ's by themselves.

If I'm reading correctly, DAQmx 9.7, NI-VISA 5.3, and NI-Scope 3.9.4

I guess if everything is in fact working properly, then my question will more properly pertain to how to access the scope and the data it is reading from a block diagram. As stated, I tried the Functions Palette -> Instrument I/O -> Instr Drivers as I was guided by a google-search, and supposedly there ought to have been a NI-Scope option therein which there was not. Do I have to use IVI Scope? It looks rather complex.



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Message 3 of 10
Accepted by topic author Wolley
Its possible the NI-Scope driver was installed after LabVIEW. Try uninstalling the version you have and install the latest. A repair might also work.
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 10

I should uninstall Labview? Or just Scope? Can you do that? 


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 10
NI-Scope. Of course you can.
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 10

Alright, I'll give it a try and let you know how it goes!
Thank you!

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Message 7 of 10

I am having the same problem.


I have Labview 15 student edition on Windows 7 and a USB-6009 connected.

The USB-6009 works just fine in MAX 15.0.

Windows Device Manager has it listed under Data Acquisition Devices and shows it is working properly.


But I have no DAQ Assistant VI in Labview and Instrument I/O Assistant doesnt help and NI Instrument Driver Finder says "no connected instruments detected". 


Any more ideas?

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Message 8 of 10
It's not supposed to work with Instrument I/O Assistant or the Instrument Driver Finder. It is a DAQ device that requires you to install the DAQmx driver and a version that is compatible with LabVIEW 2015.
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 10

gregoryak wrote:

But I have no DAQ Assistant VI in Labview

Install DAQmx, preferably the latest version.  Either you installed an older version of DAQmx or you installed it before installing LabVIEW.

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Message 10 of 10