Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Sending ibonl in LabVIEW




I have a test system which is experiencing some problems with the VISA or GPIB communication.

The main exe-file dynamically loads and runs VIs to do the measurements, i.e all the HW communication is made from those VIs and NOT from the exe-file.

The measurements takes about 30 min and is executed once/day.

Sometimes there are communcation problem with the hardware when the program has been idling for a full day.

I use both NI VISA and NI488.2 drivers.




The NI488.2 driver does not (what I know of) have a function for sending the ibonl command, and I have seen that this is sent when the exe-file closes, and not the dynamically loaded VIs. Since the exe-file is not closed in between the measurements, the device handle becomes invalid and program crashes/hangs.


I've tried to using the gpib-32.dll for sending the ibonl command, but without success, does anyone know how to do that? Or better yet, have a wrapper for the DLL in LabVIEW?






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Message 1 of 2

Hi Andreas,


Did you call ibfindA/ibfindW to get a device descriptor before calling ibonl. Didn't have any hardware to test with but here is a example.


Best regards


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