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Sorensen power supply connection issues

Finally exasperasted enough to ask for help.  Am trying to talk to a Sorensen (Ametek / Xantrex) power supply model XDL 35-5TP.  I already have one of these on another system with no problems.  This unit however refuses to behave and will not talk to my system.  Am using the USB option (vs. serial or GPIB) and am using the same USB port driver and USB to Serial driver as on the other system (These are supplied by Sporensen).  System (Win 7, 32 bit) recognizes the port and MAX recognizes the port and have verified all port settings including baud (19200).  Sorensen has not released any newer drivers.  Using essentially the exact same method as on an existing unit that works (though that unit is Win XP)


This unit is supposed to talk through the IVI protocol and I have CVI installed and the TQLP drivers installed (Again, supplied by Sorensen).  Am getting various errors including "The session handle is invalid",  "Identification query failed",  "Timeout expired before operation complete"  and a couple other odd ones. Tried on another XP box with similar results.  Tried an alternate power supply with similar results. Tried with serial connection but could not confirm cable was a null modem so didn't take that failure too seriously.


I like these power supplies but they do have a tendency to be quirky on communications and this one is kicking my butt.


Any input is very appreciated.


Thanks.....   Doug


"My only wish is that I am capable of learning each and every day until my last breath."
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Message 1 of 6

Can you try it on the very XP PC that has no trouble?


Right now you have two things that are different - OS and connection type.



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Message 2 of 6

Tried this power supply on the other system that has been working and it did not work.  Am going to try other power supply (that has been working) on new system tomorrow.  Am beginning to suspect power supply itself is messed up. 


Will advise on results.


Thanks....   Doug


"My only wish is that I am capable of learning each and every day until my last breath."
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Message 3 of 6

Further trials revealed that the power supply that has been working on the existing system would work on the new system.  I thought briefly that there might be a USB port version issue (3.0 vs 2.0) but was able to rule that out.


I also discoverd that making serial ports from USB connections is not 100% plug and play as if you swap devices and want to use the same port number, a restart is appreciated by the system as it might believe there is a conflict.  This also cleared up a couple errors.


In the end, the new power supply returns the error "Identification Query Failed"  when using the mfg supplied drivers. Oddly enough, if I use MAX to talk to it, I can get a response with no error. This however does not use the TQLP drivers supplied by Sorensen.


So I am going forward on the path that the power supply itself is not configured correctly from the mfg.  Hopefully this won't be a big fiasco with the mfg to resolve the issue.


Thanks for the input.  Will try to remember to post the final resolution for future readers




"My only wish is that I am capable of learning each and every day until my last breath."
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Message 4 of 6

may try to use this driver.


But, I thought you may not config well.


Check the "Xantrex Manuals Readme file for CD's.pdf" 


Note that the virtual COM port must be accessed at 19200 Baud, 8 data bits, one
stop bit and no parity, with XON/XOFF control, to match the fixed settings on the
Power Supply when USB is selected. The virtual COM port is treated as a standard
hardware COM port by Windows based software.



Message 5 of 6

If I had not been able to connect to two alternate power supply's of teh same model, then I would suspect software or config issues.  Since it is only one [new] power supply I cannot talk with, I am blaming power supply and already have an RMA to return it to Ametek (Sorensen).  Could take 4-6 weeks for resolution unfortunately.


"My only wish is that I am capable of learning each and every day until my last breath."
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Message 6 of 6