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TDS 7054 query max and min measurement

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I seem to be having difficulty querying for the maximum and minimum measurements on my TDS 7054 o'scope. I have both meaurements on and if I query MEASU:MEAS1:TYP? it returns MAX and returns MIN for MEAS2. yet when i try to query the actual value MEASU:MEAS1:MAX? it returns 99.000+36 which of course cannot be true. The strangest part is that the code works for the DPO4104. Any Idea what I'm doing wrong? I've attached 2 sets of code, 1 is how I turn the measurements on on the scope, the other is trying to query for max and min.

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Message 1 of 5
Accepted by topic author JakeKing

You should be using ":MEASU:MEAS%d:DAT?" to get your data (put the number in for the %d).  You are actually requesting the maximium max value the scope has recorded.  It can keep some statistics on measurements.  Here are the commands I use to get the data (again, replace %d with the measurement number):


 The first command requests the actual data of the measurement and the second requests the units of the measurement.

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Message 2 of 5

thank you for your quick reply


DAT is not an acceptable command on these scopes, but if i use VALue instead it works like you said it should.

Thanks again.

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Message 3 of 5

"MIN" is not acceptable for your scope, you must use "MINI"


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Message 4 of 5
MIN works fine thank you though
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Message 5 of 5