05-09-2012 11:08 AM
I've been stuck with this problem for weeks and really need some help. I've been searching a lot but I can't find a proper solution.
I am trying to use Labview to plot and display some parameters of a data acquisition system for a project.
The data acquisition system is connected to a computer via serial connection through COM 1 port.
The data acquisition system sends a serial stream of data (ASCII string with baud rate 19200), as shown below (from HyperTerminal),
The serial data stream consists of a time stamp (as 1st data), followed by 16 individual channel data, separated by comma "," and each stream ending in return "\n". Each value of the data ranges from 1 to 6 digits (value of -5000 to 15000).
I have no problem reading this values correctly using HyperTerminal, but I have problem to plot and display individual parameters of this serial string in Labview. I want to save the entire data in a “.csv” file corresponding to all the 16 channels with time stamp and plot each individual channel parameter in a graph with time on X-axis.
I am relatively new to Labview hope I can learn a lot from your help.
Thank you
05-09-2012 12:03 PM
Why are you reposting the same question that you posted yesterday and which was answered.