07-08-2016 09:55 AM
We used a VNA PXIe 5630 and when try to execute the calibration with automatic module ), some time we have the error 0xBFFA4004 .
the error occured at function :
public int PerformCalibrationAction(string portList, NivnaCalibrationAction actionType)
int pInvokeResult = PInvoke.PerformCalibrationAction(Handle, portList, actionType);
return pInvokeResult;
any idea for this error
07-11-2016 04:53 AM
Hi Omar59,
Can you be more specific about the devices you are using ?
Following this post, it seems like a trigger issue, like thebatmanboy said.
07-11-2016 07:00 AM
I use the VNA PXIe-5630 with the automatic calibration module ( Part number 154748A-01).
07-11-2016 07:26 AM
I have also an error ( I think it 's the same probleme ), on the NI-VNA SFP software.
I attached a picture