01-29-2014 06:12 AM
On moving to labview, when I configure the VISA Serial it gives me this error
Error -1073807331 occurred at Property Node (arg 2) in VISA Configure Serial Port (Instr).vi->8350_VISA.vi
and the possible reason is
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF001D) The specified attribute is not defined or supported by the referenced resource.
Subsequently on removing the VISA Serial, I get errors in Write and Read with the possible reason being
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0015) Timeout expired before operation completed.
Help !!
01-29-2014 06:58 AM
01-29-2014 07:11 AM
When I WRITE in the test panel i dont get an error its the READ that has a problem.
I am sorry but how do you enable GPIB on the instrument?
01-29-2014 07:13 AM
I used the *IDN?\n instruction to check.
01-29-2014 07:20 AM
01-29-2014 07:48 AM
By enabling GPIB if you mean REMOTE functions then yes that is activated as there is a light that glows on the REMOTE button.
01-29-2014 08:10 AM
01-29-2014 08:39 AM
Yes, it appears in MAX under Miscellaneous VISA Resources.
I am having this same problem for my other instruments; HP-83711A and Agilent-N1912A