Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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VISA Serial error (-1073807298)

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I have a device that outputs data via RS232 approximately once per second.  The device has a built in FTDI FT232R chip to pretending to be USB.


At the moment I am trying to just read the data as it is streamed from the device, I know that the device is working correctly because I can open the serial port in PuTTY and see the data correctly.


However labview generates an IO error (-1073807298), only when the device is sending data.  If I turn off the device then Labview opens the port without issue then the VISA read times out as expected.  So Labview/VISA clearly has an issue with the data that is being transmitted.  The PuTTY log shows that there are NUL characters within the data which I think is the problem.

This is an extract from the log which shows the data being received.



I have spent the last 3 days reading knowledge base articles and through the forums, there has to be something simple I am missing.


The VI is attached, this is not going anywhere near the final project, I am just trying to read the serial data at this point.

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Accepted by Chrispbrown2255


I actually gave up on Visa and used the non VISA serial driver from this thread.

The LVSerial library gave me a slightly different error message telling me that there was a break condition which was something useful.

So now i'm back using the VISA but with break event handling (vi attached).

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Message 2 of 3

I've found this problem too recently. Sporadically, yet consistently I have a Siglent SDM3045X dropping the VISA port entirely after a few successfully LabVIEW transactions. I have to unplug the USB or pwr-cycle the device to get the COM port back. LabVIEW reports the VISA resource is missing.


What I did find is it appears in Win10 Device manager NOT as a COM port but a 'Test and Measurement Device (IVI)'

Device manager IVI Test and Meas Device.png


I have also found not all the VISA primatives work - such as using 'Serial Bytes at Port' cause a VISA error entirely. So reading the device you can only use the VISA Read function with a 'Char' to read set and a very large timeout. [Not optimal for performance]


This needs more investigation, at the IVI appears to be a 3rd party entity the supplies the driver and it's 2020 and this driver reports it is from 2013...which is prior to the inception of Windows 10.


Device manager IVI Test and Meas Device Driver Details.png


I am hoping others can participate in a solution.


Jack Hamilton



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