Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Waverunner 64Xi and MAX problem detection

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I try to communicate without success with a  Lecroy Waverunner 64Xi.

I installed first the Labview last version (Labview 2013 SP1). Then I downloaded and installed the driver lcwave corresponding to my remote instrument.

I also installed theVICP passport provided by the Lecroy web site.

Then I followed the instructions of the VICP-NI-MAX (1).doc ‏386 KB found among the forum to configure MAX.


But I don't arrive to establish any communication with my instrument. Under the remote system tab, I can see the ip adress of the Lecroy WR64Xi. The ping is responding. So the remote machine is correctly specified.

Under the devices and interfaces tab the following visa error code is returned : 0xBFFF00A7 (VI_error_machine_navail).

I disconnected the firewall both on the Lecroy instrument and my machine. But the problem is always the same.


I tried then to launch the VISA interactive Control panel as mentionned in a previous post. I typed VICP::@(ip of may instr) in the resource to open field. But an other pop up tells : VISA : (Hex 0xBFFF0067) The session does not support this operation.


I don't know what to do next to arrive to communicate with my instrument. Any help would be greatly appreciated.









0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6

I would like to add that my waverunner is a 64XI-A.

I downloaded the driver here

Does the -A change something? I thougth it was the good driver but it may not be the case.




0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

Hello Stephanie,


I am curious what version of NI-VISA you are using?  I have had recent reports that the latest version is not working with LabVIEW 2013 and the VICP Pa$$port.


I am still using 2011 and 2012 and have not installed 2013 yet.


I can tell you that the document on the TeledyneLeCroy web site is a little out dated.  (We are in the process of getting a new one released, but it has been a little slow due to other documents having a higher priority).


The VISA Interactive Tool stopped working with the VICP Pa$$port when the GUI was changed shortly after 64 bit versions of LabVIEW were released.


You should still be able to connect to the "VICP::ip address" resource from LabVIEW though.


I have attached my latest revision of the new document here. (It is not a released document yet, so if you have any challenges or questions, please let me know).



Leonard Brown
Applications Engineer
Teledyne LeCroy

Message 3 of 6
Accepted by topic author rftech

Hello Leonard,



Thanks for your interest of my request.

The NI-VISA version installed on my PXIe-1075 is the 5.4.1 release (latest version I think).

The remote connection with the VICP::ip_adress is not working. The error message returned by the VISA Interactive Control when I try to connect the WR64XI-A is the following:


Error opening resource:


VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF001D): THe specified attribute is not defined or supported by the resource.


In the remote system tab, undur Devices and Interface, the following VISA error code is also returned:



viFindRsrc returned 0xBFFF00A7 (the remote machine does not exist or does not accept any connection. If the NI-VISA server is installed or started on the remote machine, the version may be incompatible or configured on a different port).


I will read your document and tell you if the new config solve my problem.

Best regards,





0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6

Hello again Leonard,


I tested the NI-VISA connection as mentionned in your document directly in Labview. The test passed. So the connection with the Waverunner is is ok.

I tried then the exemple provided with the lcwave driver, and I was able to successfully recall a waveform which was in memory.

Thanks for your help.




0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6

Hello Stephanie,


It was my pleasure!  I am glad you got it all going.



Leonard Brown
Applications Engineer
Teledyne LeCroy

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Message 6 of 6