I am trying to read data from a light monitor via rs232. By the executive program attached by product, we can get correct data and enough data(2424 bytes every time), but by the labview program, we can only get 224 bytes or 194 bytes every time, and the data seems incorrect. the program is that, fist configure the port(data bits:8,BR:115200,stop bits:2.0,parity:none) by VISA configure serial port.vi, then send a command by VISA write.vi, then have a loop including bytes at port.vi and VISA read.vi, finally a VISA close.vi. it seems the program works well, but data were read is incorrect and not enough, I wonder if the data needed to read are larger than the serial buffer or reading a large scale data can not be execute properly by the above serial sub vi?
帖子被ybz在06-20-2006 04:09 AM时编辑过了