Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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microcontroller interfacing with serial port using labview

hI i just looked some other posts related to the same topic but i as a newbie doesnt get enough to

get the point where i can start actually i same want to interface my pic microcontroller with labview through serial port , i m going through two important article labview getting started and labview  fundamental , but

but still i need to know what are the detail of serial port related to labview  i need to cover through , im using labview 8.2. and is this enough to go through above described manuals to complete labview serial port interfacing to micro. i have also read another article describing serial port visa and gpib. though i dont know these.


thanks 4 ur time


plz direct me


Message 1 of 39



In Labview you should use visa to control a serial port (at least since labview 6).

Any string can be sent, and received.

So what is your real problem?

greetings from the Netherlands
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 39
You asked this same question a few months ago. You even had a program at that time. What happened with the suggestions that Dennis gave you?
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 39

THanks actually i just want to send and receive data to /or from microcontroller connected to the serial port to /from labview, i just dont know difference b/w these visa and serial , actually i want to know what are the things needed to cover in order to communicate to micro through serial port using labview , i dont hv separate visa hardware only a my own made hardware which can interface with any serial port terminal


as far as my previous attachments are concerned yes i was thinking of using labview interfacing in my CAN bus project but since my team member fails to cope with labview so i as having experience in VB just done that thing with vb now i hv some time so i m trying to  go in complete analyssis of this novell software trying to sharpen the saw by fully reading and going through details of different concepts of labview then to just go for interfacing.

 actuallly i would be thankful if some one tells me the steps for working on labview serial port interfacing to micro .i m working with previously described books and i hv covered one of them and going through other ,needs to know what are athe requirements for labview interfacing to microcontroller using serial port, i hv gone through some article about visa and serial port but sill i hv enough things to cover.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 39

VISA is a common API for a variety of protocols. It abstracts the low level hardware interfaces. You can use VISA to communicate over RS-232, GPIB, VXI, PXI, PCI, Ethernet, and USB. Software that is written to communicate, for example, to a GPIB instrument, can be used with little or no modification to communicate to the same instrument with a USB, RS-232, Ethernet interface.


In LabVIEW, your only option is to use VISA for serial communication. As you have seen in the examples, there are VISA functions to configure the serial port, write and read data, check number of bytes in the serial buffer, etc. There is nothing special about communicating to a micro. You have to configure the baud rate, parity, number of stop bits and of course, write data in the correct format and decode whatever the micro is sending. If this is a micro that you have programmed, then all of this information should be available to you.


Instead of jumping into LabVIEW, I would recomend that you test the com settings and cable with a program such as Hyperterminal. In your previous post, you hinted at using some terminal emulation program.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 39

Thanx dennis, i m receiving data on serial port terminal but i dont know what going with it.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 39
What is that supposed to mean? You are receiving data with Hyperterminal, LabVIEW,something else?
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 39

THANKS DENNIS FOR UR CONSTANT TOUCH... actually i have serial port terminal , i downloaded from net and it shows data receive/transmit from serial port,


when i see the hardware and software installed in MAX it looks that it is nt acknowledging serial port attached to the PC, i m attaching its GUI with name "my max". plz tell what s needed and whether software installled on PC are enough to interface with micrcontroller through serialport.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 39

You don't have NI-VISA installed. It's on the driver CD/DVD or you can download it from here.


p.s. Please don't use bmp files - even zipped. Use Paint to save as png or jpg. Then you can directly attach them.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 39

THANX Dennis -- u rightly said that visa drivers are nt installed and i able to send and receive data after that
, thanks for ur support.

0 Kudos
Message 10 of 39