Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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ni 488.2


            We have purchased CD KIT of NI-488.2 FOR LINUX VERSION 2.5 (P/N: 501209C-00, SO: 2254843, Date 2015/02/24).We are trying to install it through the installation guide but we are facing many problems as given below:

  1. We cannot install the full package of the operating system because it is too old to update.
  2. We are not able to downgrade the kernel to get the suitable kernel version in newer linux os.
  3. If, anyhow, we install the older version of compatible linux os, there is something missing in those like: We are not able to install gcc installer( error coming as:  bash: wget command not found.
  4. e.t.c

In short, we are not able to install NI-488.2 using the installation guide .

Please guide us to overcome the  problems  and provide us a patch file so that we can install and do the further work.

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