Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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ready light yellow on gpib usb-hs

Hi, I have two computers, one in which the gpib-usb-hs works properly and the other in which it does not work. They are both windows xp machines. The difference I notice is that when I connect the gpib controller to the working system, the ready light is green. On the problem system the ready light is orange using the same gpib controller. The getting started wizard says the device is working properly on both machines, and I can send an IDN? message to a device and get a response, but when running an identical labview application on both machines, it works on the former and not on the latter.

Any help is greatly appreciated
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Message 1 of 6
To clarify things, the error code I see in my labview program on the machine that is not functioning is "error out Bfff009E Visa Open in Hp34401A" which is the same error I get on the working machine if I do not connect the GPIB-USB device, so it is as though labview cannot see this device. I have already uninstalled-reinstalled once and I still see that the ready light is not green. Both machines run windows xp2.

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Message 2 of 6
The "Ready" light on the GPIB-USB-HS will indicate green if it is plugged into a full-speed (USB 1.1) port, and yellow if it is plugged into a high-speed (USB 2.0) port. The board should work the same way in either port type, though it will be slightly slower in the USB 1.1 port.

Your problem is most likely the GPIBx name that is assigned. On one computer, it may get GPIB0 (which is what your program expects) but then on another it gets GPIB1 (possibly because you have another GPIB device present). You can confirm the GPIB number that is assigned in troubleshooting wizard or in Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX).

Hope this helps.

Scott B.
GPIB Software
National Instruments

Message Edited by Support on 04-26-2005 12:16 PM

Message 3 of 6
Question about your systems: You mention that both systems are XP systems, but are both systems the same type of computer? Do you have a Dell and and HP system? Or two models from the same manufacturer?

I posted my response and saw that Scott had replied below. Check out his response for more information on the different colors of the LED.

Logan S.

Message Edited by LoganS on 04-25-2005 10:06 AM

Message 4 of 6
Hi guys, thank you Scott for the info regarding the ready light. It turns out the problem was with NI-VISA, specifically that it wasn't installed on the second machine. I always assumed that NI-VISA was installed with Labview and since I installed Labview on both machines along with the hardware and drivers for the GPIB card I thought everything should run the same. When I saw that one machine had a green light on the card and was working and the other had a yellow light and was not working I guessed that it was an installation problem with the card. After your info I looked into my labview program and found that I couldn't change any VISA parameters in a sub-vi. After installing the NI-VISA 3.1 run-time everything works fine. In retrospect, I wish LabView would have given me a clear error saying "VISA not installed." As for why one computer had NI-VISA and the other did not, I'm guessing it was installed along with the drivers for a DAQ card I installed a while back.

Finally, thanks guys, you saved me loads of time.

Message 5 of 6



I have a relatively relevant question! so I'd rather post it here than making a new post. 

I am using a GPIB-USB-HS cable to connect my Dell laptop/windows10 to an old HP frequency synthesizer. I have NI visa and NI 488.2 version 19 installed on my laptop. the problem is that device manager does not recognise my device and only indicate it under 'other devices', not the usb devices. Also, the 'ready' light on the adapter does not turn on. Is this a sign of a damaged adapter? 


Thank you

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Message 6 of 6