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to control KIKUSUI PWX1500MH in labview 2012 enquiry

Dear All,

we purchased a KIKUSUI programmable power supply PWX1500MH, and we are doing programming in labview 2012 to control it and doing measurement.

I have downloaded KIKUSUI drivers KikusuiPwx_1_0_4_0(x64) and labview instrument driver import wizard to import the drivers into labview successful. I write

a simple labview program and using LAN port to communicate with the PWX, we set up Logical name and  driver session in NI MAX. now I have a few questions:


1. Power on PWX, run labview software, it calls iVIDCPwr initialize with, configure voltage, Configure output, iVIDCPwr it works.


2. when I manually press button in PWX to local mode, tune some button to set output voltage then exit, run software again, it has error in  iVIDCPwr initialize with,

    to say failed to open VISA resource, error code is -1074118124. why this error occurs? how to clear it? how to clear PWX error/Jam/Alarm in software if there has any. I didn't

    find it. currently only power off the PWX and power on again to clear the error.


3. in KIKUSUI website, it provides communication interface manual in this manual introduce SCPI commands to control PWX series,

    since we have imported KIKUSUI PWX drivers into Labview as Kipwx vis. how to use KIKUSUI SCPI commands in labview to control PWX1500MH, any examples?



I have sent email to and initially they answered my enquiry regarding labview device driver import wizard, but later on,

no emails reply any more, but we are urgent on it. if anybody can help on this enquiries, we greatly appreciate your kindness and helps. Thanks a lot


attached are some information for reference.


Joe Guo  


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Message 1 of 5

I found add attachment not works. not sure why like that.

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Message 2 of 5
If you are going to use an IVI driver, don't go into manual mode. I'm not sure why the session is lost but even if the session was retained, the settings you manually change will cause the cache to be incorrect and your remote programming will be invalid. It would be better to write your own LabVIEW driver. It's a simple instrument and the code will not be that difficult to write.
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Message 3 of 5

Thanks for the reply, can you give some examples, how to use SCPI commands which KIKUSUI provided (as the link above) in labview to control PWX1500MH? Thanks

what's the advantage and disadvantage by using kipwx vis in control PWX1500MH?


If I still to use kipwx, is it ok? or to say, using SCPI command is more flexible and to achieve more function and features?

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Message 4 of 5
An example would be:
to set the output to 2.5 volts. Look at other power supply drivers. The SCPI commands will be similar.

You can stick with IVI if you want. Unless you have LabWindows/CVI, you won't be able to modify the driver and if you use the IVI class functions, you will be limited to what is common in the class and would not have access to instrument specific features. There is an instrument driver wizard in LabVIEW that will help you get started if you decide to write your own.
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Message 5 of 5