Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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usb serial connexion

The problem I'm facing is as follows: I am trying to integrate a device into my LabView program. From the guides I could find on the NI site most of it mentioned going to NI MAX first, and then work from them down. My device is an RS232 port, so I have it connected through a USB converter, and I know I am looking at the right port (COM6) from looking at the 'Manage Devices' part on Control Panel. 

All the Serial Setting are set up correctly as I can tell (you will find attached the User Manual) , and my configuration also. I attempted to test the commands it gave me on the Input/Output section but constantly came up with the error "VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0015) Timeout expired before operation completed." I initially suspected I was entering commands incorrectly, as I find the instructions in the manual confusing, especially when compared to the stuff other users have posted about commands ("\r" and "\n" rather than what I am being told to write, though I accept that mine may not be the literal characters). I also change the timeout .. In vain 

I also connected with MAX.. I am also getting the same error timeout left... 


So I switched to control my instrument with the usb port (my device has also a usb port.. but it was asked that I use the serial one which explain my first try) everything now is working correctly.. No error but I am always getting this answer '01 whatever the request I am sending 


Any and all advice is appreciated. Thanks

Message 1 of 7

Hello ,


Did you try to use the NI VISA Driver Wizard by following the guideline belows ?


The device is in USB 2.0 or USB 3.0 ?





Ingénieur d'Application | (NI France)
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7

Thank you for your answer.


Yes I used the same tutoriel and the configuration is done.


I am also using a usb2.0 



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7

Problem resolved ! 

thanks every body for your help 

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7

Hello ,


Could you precise me if the tutorial helped you ?



Ingénieur d'Application | (NI France)
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7



I'm facing the same problem ! how did you solve it ?


Thank you 

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7



I have the same problem but i don't manage to solve it. I'm using Labview 2014.0.1f3 (32bits) and NI Max15.0. and the device i want to control with LABview is connected with an USB 2.0.


I've followed this tutorial tutorial with VISA driver wizard.


First of all my device was delivered with a factory software, I plug it to my computer to use this software. So it automatically instal factory drivers.

After following the tutorial the usb device appears corectly in NI max but i have always the same answer in Basic I/O: '01. From my device datasheet, I checked if the code i was sending was wrong (talking about '\r or '\n), no matter what, I'm facing the same issues...


USB in NI max.png


So to be sure that i can communicate with my device, i used the VISA Test Panel under NI max:

Answer in NI max Test panel.png


I think i've made a mistake when i followed the tutorial. Do i have to completly delate the factroy drivers or just desinstalled it ? When i create the .inf file with the VISA Driver Wizard, it is not installed at C:\WINDOWS\INF. (right click on the .inf file to installed it but nothing happen)

Furthermore, when i check the .inf name attached to the device under VISA in the Device manager, the name is diffrent from the one i created with VISA Driver Wizard. And I can't find my device in "USB Human Interface Device" to update Driver sofware.


thanks for your help.


linked Datasheet of the usb device i want to control.


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Message 7 of 7