09-17-2006 01:47 AM
I am using GPIB-USB-HS cable (from NI) to get data from SR 245 Computer interface of Boxcar. The cable’s GPIB interface connects with Boxcar’s GPIB interface, and cable’s USB’s interface connects with desktop. The operating system of my computer is Windows XP, and my Labview is 7.1 versions. I have several questions:
The Boxcar has two interfaces: one is GPIB and another is RS 232. I switched jumpers inside the SR 245 and chose GPIB interface. The first question is which interface generally for you to choose when you have GPIB and RS 232 interfaces?
After I successfully installed the driver for GPIB-USB-HS cable, I got the primary address of GPIB of instrument is 16 through scanning for instrument when I ran M&A Explorer. The second question is that the cable can’t communicate with the instrument. The command string I sent is from SR 245’s manual. No matter what command I entered, including command*IDN?, “iberr=EABO” is the only answer for my numerous requests. The ACTIVITY green light and the ERROR light didn’t flash, which seemed like nothing happening. Did someone have experience how to correct it? Or did I need to set something in GPIB Configuration?
The second question is how to modify boxcar’s driver downloaded from NI Company. There are two drivers for SR 245, and one is GPIB interface and another is Serial interface. I speculated that the driver should be the one with GPIB interface. Is my thought right?
I chose the driver supported by GPIB interface. When I opened the driver and corrected the GPIB address in the driver and ran it, the green ACTIVITY light and the red ERROR light on the front panel of SR 245 flashed one times, which shows that the program partly works on the SR 245, but I didn’t get anything from the Front panel of the program, so I modified the program: I changed GPIB WRITE and GPIB READ with VISA WRITE and VISA READ in the driver, and then I ran the modified program, the lights didn’t flash and still got nothing. I didn’t know clearly what the difference between GPIB and VISA is, and when to use VISA rather than GPIB when I compile programs. I remember that VISA supports USB interface, but GPIB doesn’t, right? Is it necessary to replace GPIB icons with relevant VISA icons? I am a little puzzled!!!!!!!!
The last question is that did someone have experience to use a Labview program to control Boxcar and get data?
09-17-2006 02:52 PM
09-18-2006 10:00 PM
Thank you Dennis!!!
Your comment made me a little clear.
So you mean that it should be the same when I use GPIB commands and VISA commands. Is it right?
Another question what is the difference between VISA commands and VISA serial commands?
09-18-2006 11:22 PM
09-18-2006 11:53 PM
Thank you, Dennis;
From what you said, so there is no problem to use GPIB commands to take data from instrument through GPIB-USB-HS cable.
I corrected GPIB address in the driver program, and I used a BNC cable to import signal in the INPUT PORT 1 in the front panel of SR 245. When I ran this program, I got nothing except both lights for Error and for activity flashing one time. I pasted the driver and let someone look at whether there is problem in this program or not.
09-19-2006 12:05 AM
Is there any problem with this downloaded driver. I got nothing when I ran this program.
Thanks your suggestion.
09-19-2006 08:37 AM
09-19-2006 10:06 AM
I will paste it again.
My labview is also 7.1version. Could you try to open it again?
09-19-2006 10:15 AM
09-19-2006 10:18 AM