LabVIEW Academy User Group Colombia

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PEPQA 2017 | Submit your works on power electronics and power quality

The 3rd International IEEE Workshop on Power Electronics and Power Quality Applications will be held on May 31 to ­ June 2, 2017, at Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia.

This biannual workshop provides a space for students, academics, and industry professionals to collaborate on meeting the ever-increasing power electronics and power quality challenges in the Latin America region. The workshop covers a range of topics, including power electronics (PE) converters, adjustable speed drives, PE in transmission and distribution, power quality (PQ) analysis, PQ design and modeling, and simulation & education in PE/PQ.


- Proceedings are going to be indexed by IEEE Xplore, and they will be submitted to SCOPUS and Thompson's Conference Proceedings Citation Index.
- Top papers presented at this Conference will be eligible for review for inclusion in the IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications or the Industry Applications Magazine.
- Paper submission deadline: February 27, 2017

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