LabVIEW Architects Forum

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2025 Q2 Meeting

Come join us on May 15th at 6 pm for the Q2 LabVIEW Architects Forum.


Testforce, our sponsor, will be handling registrations for this event.  Check back for the link!


Meeting Logistics


  • Location: 
    NI Campus:  11500 N Mopac Expy · Austin, TX
    Building C, Room 1S13 (our usual space)
  • Remote Login:  Teams Meeting 

    Meeting ID: 217 121 321 70


  • Date: Thursday, February 13th, 2025
  • Time: 6:00 PM Central Time
  • Duration: ~2 hours
  • Format: Pizza, Presentation, Discussion


Meeting Topics:


Hunter Smith


Tell a Story with Your Interface

LabVIEW front panels often overwhelm users with a torrent of raw data that takes time and brainpower to make sense of. We'll discuss strategies to add context, and impact to your data so users can immediately understand the story your system is telling. Build clean, intuitive, and functional interfaces that reduce pain for developers and operators alike.


6x6 Open Mic!

Folks seem to like this, so we'll keep doing it!  Drawing on the highly successful 7x7/lightning round format commonly seen at the GDevCons and other events, we will open the floor to the membership for 36 minutes of short presentations.  Do you have a trick, technique, or tool you're dying to show off?  You get six minutes to say your piece.  First come, first served, so put your idea in the comments.  Or just show up with one.


Important note:  NI's visitors must sign in with security to gain access to our meeting space.  Due to staffing issues, no one from that team is available after 6:30 pm.  Therefore, anyone wishing to attend this event *must* arrive before 6:30 pm.  We won't be able to admit anyone after that time.

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