04-18-2018 09:47 AM
I have a project where I have been trying out channel wires with some success. I have moved it to another computer (well another user on a computer and deleted the old user).
Now one of my tag channels shows as broken. I understand the dependencies are in ExtraVILib and should be regenerated if missing so I renamed the folder and reloaded the project (and LabVIEW entirely).
Now all of the channel VIs are showing as missing. ExtraVILib has been recreated and a ChannelInstances folder created but it just has the module text files in it.
This is LabVIEW 2017 SP1 32bit (f1 patch) on Win 10
Any ideas on how to debug or force this?
04-18-2018 10:44 AM - edited 04-18-2018 10:52 AM
When you load your project, the Channel instances should be auto-generated. What do you see when you open your .prj file?
edit: i understand you did this step already, I just wonder what happens when you try to open again and again. So you say now, all of the Channel VIs shown as missing?
I read some issues about this in the past, and I am not sure you can find info under this post which can help you:
edit2: it is a long shot, but maybe LV tries to regenerate your Channels, but freezes (and somehow this dialog window is hidden from you?): https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA00Z0000019QNrSAM
04-19-2018 04:38 AM
So I tried from a fresh load again.
1. I open the project. No problems here.
2. I open a VI that uses the channels. Here I see a brief progress dialog about generating channels and then get a search box for the "replicate.vi" on one of my streams. I ignore that and it looks for a Read.vi for another tag.
Thanks for the links they do sound very similar. It seems the dialog doesn't lock up (it instantly opens and closes, looks like the progress bar does hit full).
I tried ignore all as suggested in the other post but also no luck. I have a backup of the extravilib so will try reintroducing some instances and see if there is one that causes a failure (there was only one broken before).
04-19-2018 04:42 AM
I reintroduced them one-by-one from backup and everything is working again for now. Obviously a concern for the future but for now I'm happy.
04-24-2018 05:45 PM - edited 04-24-2018 05:46 PM
This is (now) a known bug that at least affects the Messenger Channel. It (the bug) was introduced in LabVIEW 2017 -- it does not occur in LabVIEW 2016. Drove me crazy (and I drove NI crazy) until we could confirm that it was "real". And, yes, you found the fix, built the Channels one at a time instead of "all at once" (or "on the Compiler's Time").
Bob Schor