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FRC 2022 - Package Manager Support for 32 bit package builds

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When installing LabVIEW for the 2022 FRC season a message was displayed that the version of package manger being installed would not support creating packages for 32 bit systems.  It seems that package manager version 21.0.0 and not version 20.something.  (Sorry i don't have a screen shot of the message.)


Does this mean that 3rd parties creating NIPKG files for third party drivers and libraries won't be able to create package files usable on 32 bit windows systems?  If so, will uninstalling package manager and installing version 20.0.06 resolve this?  


I haven't tried this yet.  I thought someone might know the answer fairly quickly.  If I try it, I'll post the results here.


(I took a number of notes as part of the install.  I'll create separate messages for each one.  Let me know if you want me to do something different.)




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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author JimASim

I'd recommend posting to another part of the forum specific. I do believe that 32 bit support is being removed from some products. Makes me feel old.

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Message 2 of 3

Sorry.  I should have looked for an answer first. 


This post describes the situation.


This post describes a work around.


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