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can i generate a C interface API for a FPGA Design in Labview Communications.

And how it works?




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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by Sebp20

Hi Sebastian,


If it is anywhere in LabVIEW Communications, it is going to be in the tools launcher. If it isn't there then you can still generate a C API for your FPGA using the FPGA Interface C API Generator. I got this from the Generating a C API for a LabVIEW FPGA Application Help Document.


Generating a C API from the Windows Start Menu

Complete the following steps to generate a C API for a compiled bitfile from the Windows Start menu.

  1. Select Start»All Programs»National Instruments»FPGA Interface C API»FPGA Interface C API Generator.
  2. On the FPGA Interface C API Generator dialog box that appears, browse to the compiled FPGA bitfile or type an absolute path to it.
  3. Select an output directory for the C API. If you do not select an output directory, the C API files will be created in the directory that contains the bitfile. You can browse to a directory or type an absolute path to it.
  4. Optionally, you can change the prefix for the generated files and for the constants in the generated .h file.
  5. If you are using LabWindows/CVI to develop your C application, place a check beside Exclude NiFpga.h/NiFpga.cbecause the FPGA Interface C API installs header and library files with LabWindows/CVI support.

Make sure you have FPGA C Interface API Installed.


Introduction to the FPGA Interface C API



Michael Bilyk
Former NI Software Engineer (IT)
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 3




I understand that you don't need this API

because LCDS generate FPGA  desing and you can to use  c, mathscript or labview blocks



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Message 3 of 3