LabVIEW Communications System Design Suite

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Time estimation of a process

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I am currently implementing my existing Labview-Code from LabVIEW 2014 into the Communciation Suite. In both my receiver and transmitter structure I am using multiple parallel while loops to simultanously process data (e.g. channel estimation in one loop and demodulation in another loop). In LabVIEW I used the High Resolution Timer to see how much time each queue takes to process its information so that I can observe which queue might take some optimization and to find the bandwith limit. I can't find anything in the Communications System Design Suite suitable for this task. All the avaible timers are not suitable for us time spans.


Any idea on how to solve this? I am open for any workaround.



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Message 1 of 4



I think LabVIEW Communications doesn't offers a timer with a resolution in the us range.

The only workaround I can imagine is to use an existing timer function to benchmark the execution time of e.g. 1000 iterations of a function. After you acquired the duration for the 1000 executions, you can calculate the time for one execution.

To be honest, this is not the best solution, but the only I can imagine.


Regards, Stephan

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Message 2 of 4

Hello Stephan,


thank your for your answer. The solution to measure the time with 1000 iterations is only suitable as an "offline" workaround but not as an "online" measurement during a real transmission. 


Still thank you!



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Message 3 of 4
Accepted by topic author EtuelDue

Hello EtuelDue,


Stephan is correct.


Sadly, there is no timing engine available in LabVIEW Communications, which can execute microsecond resolution. You might be able to implement a rolling average of 1000 iterations in order to estimate the rate per iteration. This will allow you to maintain the calculation during the execution, but it will not offer instanteous rates.


A lot of people believe that Windows cannot actually execute microsecond resolution even if the motherboard has a dedicated microsecond timing engine.  This is due to the lack of determinism in Windows. We can't guarentee that the process will not be temporarily suspended while the anti-virus or firewall operates causing a large amount of fluctuation in the timing.


Sorry for this inconvenience.





Thomas C.
FlexRIO Product Support Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 4 of 4