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sbRIO crash and error log help


And thanks for your help in advance!

We are using Labview 2023 Q3 and a sbRIO-9629.
We have problems with the stability of the sbRIO board.
Rather frqeuently (a few times a day maybe) the sbRIO will get stuck for a few seconds/minutes wehre it won´t respond. Sometimes it will resume working afterwards, sometimes it will need a restart to reset the program.
The problem is, this error will only happen occasionally.
It also generates an error log, but i have trouble localising the problem with this error log. (see attached).
Also i saw, that this error resulted in high spikes in the CPU load.


The "normal" CPU load is only at around 10 percent.

Can someone tell me how i can find the cause of this error ?

Thank you and have a nice week.


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