LabVIEW FPGA Idea Exchange

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fpga data analysis

Status: New


I've been thinking to an experiment in wich I would need to acquire single shot spectra at 1MHz, with a sinlge line camera (1024 pixels, 12 bit), and then manipulate this spectra performing this kind of operation:

[ (spectrum1 - spectrum2)/spectrum2 + (spectrum3 - spectrum4)/spectrum4 + ... + (spectrumN-1 - spectrumN)/spectrumN ] / N

As I don't have experience with FPGA, do you think it would be possible to do this kind of things considering that the data flow (1M*1024*12) will be something like 2GB/s?

Thank you,


1 Comment
Proven Zealot

This is a technical question and should be placed in the standard labview forum.  The idea exchange is to suggest product imptovements for LabVIEW.