LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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ADXL345 connected to Arduino (SPI) to LabView

Well, you posted in the LIFA (LabVIEW Interface for Arduino) forums so I assumed that you were probably using LIFA.

LIFA and LINX are both free add-ons for LabVIEW for using an Arduino (LINX supports many more types of hardware like chipKIT, RaspberryPi, myRIO, etc.) as a versatile multifunction data acquisition/control device.  So, basically, LINX allows you to use the analog and digital IO including things like SPI, I2C, PWM, etc.  The only major downside is that being so flexible requires a little overhead but it is often not that big of an issue.  There is a quick intro video on the LINX hompage:

But, like I said in my first post LINX is the successor to LIFA so it is not recommended to use LIFA if you can use LINX instead.

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 31

Sorry for that Nathan.

I just installed LINX. Thanks for the link I will watch it.

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 31

Why do I get Error 5003?

It says:

Possible reason(s):

LabVIEW was unable to connect to the LINX device using the following settings: 

Interface: Serial

COM Port: COM3

Please make sure that the LINX firmware is loaded on the device (Tools>>LabVIEW Hacker>>LINX>>Firmware Wizard)  that there are no other open connections to the device, then check the configuration settings, and try again.

If this error persists please search, then post on the LINX forums at

I downloaded LINX using VPM.

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Message 13 of 31

Did you uploaded the LINX firmware using the firmware wizard?

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 31

I tried that but I was getting a new error. It says VISA can't access.

I have a question. When I upload that LINX firmware using firmware wizard will that overwrite the existing code in my arduinoo?

Also, I am using ATmega328 but it is not available in the LINX Firmware Wizard. What will I do about it?

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Message 15 of 31

Here's the error I was receiving. I used Arduino UNO when I uploaded the LINX Firmware.img.png

Anyway, I am really not sure about the VI I created if it is going to work or not. I just tried putting in LINX and the ADXL345 block and connect them together. Here's how it looks:


EDIT: I deleted the I/O, Platform, Interface, and Baud Rate from the LINX Initialize. I am now getting another error.

Error 5001 occurred at:>>



Possible Reason(s):

A timeout occured while waiting for the to respond.

0 Kudos
Message 16 of 31

That means that some other program is using that COM port. You need to make

sure that nothing is using that port e.g. the Arduino IDE.

I would also recommend testing your LINX installation using the blink example and not the ADXL345.

0 Kudos
Message 17 of 31

I do not have a led right now. But I opened the Blink (simple) example and tried to run it. First, it prompted me the Error 5003. Then I uploaded again the LINX Firmware. I am now prompted with the Error about the VISA currently cannot access it. LabView is the only application that is open.

0 Kudos
Message 18 of 31

I thought you had an Arduino Uno (which has an LED). What Arduino do you


0 Kudos
Message 19 of 31

ahh yes I forgot that. Sorry.

0 Kudos
Message 20 of 31