LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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Arduino Labview (PID)

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hello my friends,

i have problemes when i want to control Dc Motor using Labview interface arduino with PID control ,so if someone can help me please to make my project i see in youtube different video but i don't find any documentation or video tutorial about that so i Need a Help and thank you all Very much !!!?

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Message 1 of 11

What problems are you experiencing?  What does your system consist of?  What are you trying to do (what is the big picture)?

The more details that you give the better.

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Message 2 of 11


this My Code my brother i can with it control Dc motor with labview interface arduino but Now i want to make PID for to controlling this DC motor,what soultion?and how I can use PID Toolkit in this Code? and thank you very much !

Message 3 of 11

There is no reason why you can't use the PID functions with LIFA as long as you have a way to measure the output of the system (whether it be speed or position).  I cannot comment on how 'good' it will be since PID is time sensitive and on of my past projects suffered from the limitation of communication speed with Arduino.  But, we did have a lot of data communication so that could have been a huge factor.  So, if you don't have too much data traffic, you will probably be ok.

I can't give you much more information than that without more information about your motor, motor controller, feedback sensor, etc.  Also, I'm sure there are many examples out there about using the PID functions.

Message 4 of 11

yes i can give you Information about Servo motor is Futaba S3003 and my sensor is potentiometer 220 kohm,So if you can give how i can make this with Servo, because in DC motor i don't have identification is only Dc motor of game (RC ),

So Mr.Nathan    how I can use toolkit PID for to control position -angle-of Servo motor using potentiometer,Thank you very much my bro

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Message 5 of 11
Accepted by betterthanyou

A Futaba S3003 is already a position based device (the feedback and control are implemented within the device already).  You simply give it an angle and it goes to that angle, there is no need to use PID.

If you didn't have a servo and wanted to create on with a motor and potentiometer then I wouldn't be able to describe it well enough for you to understand it.  I would suggest looking for simple examples in the LabVIEW forums and elsewhere online for basic PID implementation.

Message 6 of 11

I didn't find any implementation basic of PID for arduino for to control DC, anything's about that So .Mr.Nathan if you can give me some web site about that, because I want to Know Simple thing's about use PID Toolkit with arduino For know the importance of PID with arduino because in Mathsworks you have example about that with arduino,but in NI all student ingenieur need it simple example for to do the Rest,Thank you very much .

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Message 7 of 11

PID is not related to Arduino (it is a basic closed loop feedback method).  Arduino is simply used for getting the sensor data and sending the motor commands.  So, look for PID examples with LabVIEW.

betterthanyou wrote:

in Mathsworks you have example about that with arduino

What is this?  What is Mathsworks?  Are you referring to MATLAB?  I've used MATLAB a lot in the past but never with Arduino.  We had considered it for a robot a couple years ago but LabVIEW won that battle.  Can you link to this example?

Message 8 of 11

Mr.Nathan this implemntation arduino with simulink (PID controle)

but me I love National Instrument because is better than others but the problems is in documentation, about this thing's people didn't find lotof documentation,

in my project right now my Dc motor is

Tamiya 75026 Mini Motor Set+ L298=DRIVER MOTOR +my sensor is potentiometer 220 kohm Capture.JPG

I already control DC motor type

Tamiya 75026 Mini Motor Set+ L298=DRIVER MOTOR

with arduino and labview, So i have all thing's identifie,So how I can use PID toolkit Mr.Nathan, and thank you all very much

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Message 9 of 11

do you finish your project

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Message 10 of 11