LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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You don't need to and shouldn't (IMO) edit that type def.  You can simply wire an integer in it's place (the first element of the array) that contains the number that corresponds to the command in the firmware.

If the command is 0xF7 in the firmware, you can wire 247 to the first element in the array.

Message 11 of 15

Thank you very much Nathan for your help and guide! I had solved my problem.

I just follow your instruction to wire a hexadecimal constant to the first element of array.

For case below, I use 0x41 to command clear lcd, so I wire 41 (hexadecimal) to my first element.

and same method was applied to other command like set cursor position, print and so on..


Below is my simple sketch on block diagram in LabView for LCD2004 I2C:


Output on my LCD2004 I2C (pls ignore the black spot on my LCD, it's a LCD defect):


Thank you once again Nathan! I learned a lot from you. I am looking for tutorial to wire a I2C type LCD using LabView (LIFA) for past few days but not found. Now finally solved it and can proceed with my sensor setup.

Message 12 of 15

Hi chunchui219

Can you please share the LCD interface vis that you developed?

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Message 13 of 15


I tried to implement your tutorial but I'm getting lost in translation. Please, could you clarify these questions:

1. Is the address been defined in the I2C LCD header file or the LabViewnterface.h?

2. Does "LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x3F,20,4)" appear only in the LabViewInterface.ino file?

3. And, do I only include the header information ( #include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h> ) in the main LIFA_Base.ino?


Message 14 of 15


I am having issues with the LCD. Any help would be apprciated, i have been stuck for a while.

I have followed the instructions form the thread:

Downloaded NewliquidCrystal_1.3.4 and have the correct adress: LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x3F, 2, 1, 0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 3, POSITIVE);  // Set the LCD I2C address  (the example from works).


i am not sure what the adress should be, and why I am not getting any text on the LCD.

Do I need to write my own commands, there are some already in Labviewinterface (can I just call the needed one to print(0x23)i2c.JPG


If anyone could point the problem I would really apreciate it.

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Message 15 of 15